Music by The Refusers

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Suat Tuzlak - Serving the Good in the Yukon

Orthomolecular Advocacy : An interview with Suat Tuzlak

OM advocate and
bakery owner, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory,


Why Orthomolecular Medicine?


Just over a year ago, our son developed a severe mental illness which landed him in the hospital. During those difficult days, all we heard from our family physician and psychiatrist was that he would have to take psychiatric drugs for the rest of his life or end up in a “crazy hospital.” We didn’t want to accept this, and within a month we had the good fortune of learning about possible help from OM. We went to see Dr. Abram Hoffer in Victoria immediately. OM made more sense than the other options as it is a nutritional approach which goes beyond treating disease, and promotes optimum health. I like the fact that, unlike drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements don’t have negative side effects. It is much less expensive than drugs, available without prescription, and is less complicated and safer than conventional psychiatric approaches. I also very much appreciate how OM works alongside other methods for treating mental illness, rather than insisting that it is the only way.

How do you promote OM?

I have ordered books written by Abram Hoffer and Linus Pauling, plus 20 copies of the documentary “FoodMatters.” These are available to the public either for purchase or to borrow. I also share them with the Yukon Mental Health nurses. (I find these progressive professionals show a lot of enthusiasm compared with other mental health practitioners.)  For the twelve employees at our business I always have available vitamin C in 1 kg bottles at no charge. Recommended maintenance dose is six grams a day. This is to improve their health, and I have to admit my motivation is a little selfish, too. I get more productive, energetic and dependable workers who take fewer sick days.

What is your favourite part of the advocacy work that you do?
Why Orthomolecular Medicine?
Watching people get excited and  benefiting from this approach, not only those who have a serious mental illness,  but also average people who are interested  in attaining optimum health. It makes me  happy to see them healthier, not falling ill as much, and living with greater vitality.  I know a whole range of people who  have benefitted, such as employees at my  bakery, family members, colleagues and bakery, family members, colleagues and  strangers. I know a tradesman who drinks pretty heavily, and who used to get sick  often. One day I gave him a big bottle of  vitamin C as a gift.  Recently, he reported a great improvement in his health and well-being. His eyes were lie up with excitement and he had a big smile on his rough face. Every morning, I take great  pleasure in preparing vitamin C cocktails for each of my family members. That quiet ten minutes of stirring is now part  of my daily meditation.
What difficulties, if any, have you come across?

It is frustrating to try and share this with conventional medical practitioners. As I attempt to share even the simplest Orthomolecular materials, the usual response is that the FDA-recommended amounts of vitamins are sufficient, and secondly that high doses of vitamin C may cause kidney stones. On the other side of the spectrum, some well-meaning friends with an interest in natural health were suspicious of high dose vitamin treatments. They questioned why it would be necessary to take massive amounts of supplements when abundant good, fresh organic food was readily available.

What do you do when not advocating OM?

I love to produce food of the highest quality for others. You may also call me a sustainable, organic agriculture advocate. I have been running a small organic food establishment for 25 years. This businessis heavily involved in the community and promotes good nutrition for residents as well as institutions such as schools, soup kitchens, and a women’s shelter. I sincerely believe that good food is a core foundation for social justice.  I am happiest when my business can help support sustainable agriculture and fair trade. Food purchase decisions, even on a small-scale (like choosing an organic apple over a hamburger) have a great impact on the environment. It makes me feel really good that this business, though modest, can use its purchasing power to benefit the world.

What advice do you have for people who have never heard of OM and for other advocates?

For those who are new to OM, I usually give them the simplest books from Hoffer and Pauling, and also share the story of our family’s big challenge. For other advocates, definitely I’d suggest they attend the annual OM conferences. I’d also encourage them to try OM’s advice for health maintenance. Starting with the basic Hoffer Protocol, they can experience for themselves the beneficial effects in their body and mind.


Why has my doctor never heard of Orthomolecular Medicine?

Many OM supporters are quick torespond to this question with an obvious answer: because medical schools do not teach Orthomolecular Medicine. While this may be true, it is not a complete answer since the medical system does not exist in a vacuum. In reality, it is reflective of society’s current health values and beliefs. Therefore, a more precise answer as to why doctors are unaware of OM would be this: society is currently entrenched in a medical model based on science, with its limiting confines of what constitutes“medicine” and “science.”Over the last 100 years or so, as the scientific model came to solidify into what today is our popular mainstream medical model, the converse occurred to nutrition: it became outdated. Nutrition was relegated to the domain of the female and to the popular sector of health, in other words, the non-scientific. And so,the current medical model leaves little room for therapies that fall outside the mainstream belief surrounding science.Orthomolecular Medicine utilizes the often overlooked power of nutrients that once stood at centre stage, before“pharma-science” lured the medical profession to its side.Watching people get excited and benefiting from this approach, not only those who have a serious mental illness,but also average people who are interested in attaining optimum health. It makes me happy to see them healthier, not falling ill as much, and living with greater vitality.I know a whole range of people whohave benefitted, such as employees at my bakery, family members, colleagues andstrangers. I know a tradesman who drinks pretty heavily, and who used to get sick often. One day I gave him a big bottle ofvitamin C as a gift. Recently, he reported a great improvement in his health and well-being. His eyes were lit up with excitement and he had a  big smile on his rough face. Every morning, I take great pleasure in preparing vitamin C cocktails for each of  my family members. That quiet ten minutes of stirring is now part of my daily meditation.

Interviewed by Talya Rotem

Here are some sites to visit if you wish more information:


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