Music by The Refusers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kiesha Crowther Speaks to Us From Zurich

Kiesha Crowther Little Grandmother, one of the 12 young Shaman wisdom keepers to establish the "Tribe of many colors" recently was on a European Tour spreading her message on how to start living from the heart. She also speaks about our ancestors, the pole shift, where the extraterrestrials are hiding and what we can do to change our world and heal Mother Earth.

For more information on Kiesha please refer to these websites listed below:​en/​​2012truth


Anonymous said...

Well, she is in a firestorm as she has claimed native heritage and authority but refuses to be clear about it. See also Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society for a similar new age group

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Anonymous:

Thanks for your comment. Yes, I will check out the information that you gave to me.

Take care,